Dan Andrews Knoxville Focus

Cyber Warfare Ticker Symbol

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Creating a new Journalist Encryption Alert Level

Working on a new way to bring awareness of encryption for journalists. Today, I introduce an open source idea.  I call it #journalistzero. Each morning we look at the current local and global society and formulate why we believe that encryption is neccessary.

While I firmly believe everything should be encrypted, I feel if we create a number system as to why people should encrypt, it will give the public and journalists more reasons to do so.

THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL...Remember encrypt everything!

Journalist Encryption level for Knox County...

Currently: Red

Situation or reason: Multiple high profile open source (openly reported in media) ongoing federal  investigations.

Suggestions: At this time it is highly advisable to encrypt all phone communicatications. 
At this time I have done the following.
a)Rooted Android

b)Backed up all data to the cloud (phone numbers and contact info via people calling me on Silent Circle app is not backed up, rather it is destroyed.

c) Strengthened the Kernal, 

d) Mobile: Installed VPNs, multiple walls of protection, multiple antivirus apps (paid), 

e) Home: I ran a number of scans on computer.


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